This 1995 Mother Jones feature, debunking the myth of the “crack baby,” points ... the hospital–tend also to drink more booze, smoke more cigarettes, and dip into a ... Nine states specifically define drug use during pregnancy as child abuse or ...
Define A Crack Baby Drink
by CR Daniels · 1997 · Cited by 128 — symbols of the "crack baby," "pregnant addict, and "absent father" as cen- tral to public ... What is the evidence of pateral-fetal effects of drugs, alcohol, and ciga-.. Sometimes it is mixed with amphetamine or heroin in what is known as a "speedball." Cocaine is also sold on the street in a freebase form known as crack cocaine. Cocaine ... The risk of overdose can increase if cocaine is combined with other drugs or alcohol. ... Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016;25(3):549-565. 3925e8d270